Short message service or SMS is the delivery of short text messages. These text messages only contain 160 alphanumeric characters with no graphics and pictures. The sending and receiving of these messages is aided by an SMS service provider. The exchange of short text messages can be done among mobile phones, fax machines and IP (internet protocol) addresses.

An SMS service provider offers text messaging services. It is a business entity that connects the mobile network operators to the SMS users. It has a signed contract with several mobile network operators so that it can support the transmission of SMS text messages. It enables the transfer through an interface for the SMS users to get and send their SMS text messages. Most SMS interfaces used are simple but there are also complex interfaces that support more features.

Other terms for an SMS service provider are an SMS gateway provider, SMS brokers or SMS resellers. This is because it provides an SMS gateway that routes the short messages to another gateway or SMSC (short message service center). It is also referred as an SMS reseller or broker since it purchases a huge number of short messages from different wireless carriers at a low price, then they sell the short messages at a higher worth.

Text message service providers can also provide SMS messaging software that has marketing campaign with mobile features like an SMS short code. This allows businesses to easily connect with customers and evaluate marketing campaign results as well. This messaging software has a variety of mobile marketing campaigns which are successful that surely generate increased revenue. Text to win, mobile coupons and text message texts are some examples and are the most popular.

The mobile messaging as a form of the SMS service, offers the best return of investment. Unlike any form of marketing strategy such as printing, email and broadcasting, mobile marketing returns a significant amount of profit. This is because it costs less yet still reaches out to a lot of people increasing the odds more earnings.

In mobile messaging, you can: • Reach your customers in real time. You can send them information alerts, offer application updates and others. • Your customers can get in touch with you easily too. They can track their orders, make inquiries, etc. • Outgoing and incoming text messages are possible both locally and internationally. • A common interface can be used in sending push notifications to multiple platform applications. • Purchase options and application updates can be sent. • Subscribers can receive FTEU (free to end users) SMS. With the existence of SMS service provider, the concept of mobile marketing has been realized. An easy, simple and cost effective advertising scheme now exists that is of great help to any business nature around.

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Advanced Messaging

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Reports & Analytics

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Free Incoming Messages

Free Incoming Messages

Sms with Business Name

Sms with Business Name

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