How to Craft the Perfect Welcome Text Messages

How to Craft the Perfect Welcome Text Messages

Having new subscribers is like meeting new people. It is not a bad thing, but it can be nerve-wracking to understand what to say. Of course, you want to make the best first impression, but it’s difficult. Welcome Text Messages are the first conversation you have with your subscribers. Hence, you do have the pressure of ensuring that it is perfect and no less than that.

In this article, we will talk about welcome messages and how you can create the perfect one. Take some pressure off your shoulders and you read this article to make a difference.

Why are welcome texts important?

In mass texting, when a customer subscribes to you in any form, then they get an automatic welcome message. This message has several important aspects and you have the power to customize it as per your requirements. Before we find out how you can make the perfect welcome message, let us talk about why is it important;

Works as a confirmation

The first reason why welcome messages are important is that they work as confirmation. If a subscriber joins your list and does not receive a message, they will never know if they are even a part of your list. Moreover, they may have accidentally joined your list. They will not know until they get a message. Hence, welcome messages are important to work as confirmations.  

They have information

There is no room for the illegality or playing it smart when it comes to text marketing. Hence, when you use a service like ExpertTexting, there is strict monitoring. Hence, in welcome texts, there is all information you need and should have. This information includes the frequency of messages and the option to opt-out whenever the subscriber desires. In ExpertTexting, these parts of the welcome messages are default and you cannot edit them.

It is the first point of conversation

Welcome texts are the first point of interaction between you and the customer. When they choose to subscribe to your list, they allow you to interact with them. The first piece of interaction is your welcome message. This can make or break your relationship with your customer. Hence, it is important to have a welcome message that sets your tone. Moreover, a welcome message helps introduce yourself on this particular channel. Your tone and message help your subscriber anticipate what they can get out of your messages in the future.

How to send welcome text messages?

According to Forbes, 76% of consumers believe that a business should already understand what the customer wants and what they expect out of them.  You may think that this is an unusual expectation. However, it is easy to achieve with the right approach to knowing your customer. Click on the image below to read our detailed guide on how you can achieve this.

Once you have this information, you need to ensure that your customer knows this! You cannot go to each customer and tell them that you know what they want. Your welcome message works as the key ingredient here to show them that you know what you are doing. Here are the following ways you can make your welcome text messages close to perfect.

  1. Pick your service provider

    The most important thing to do before anything is to pick your service provider. Not all the providers are the same. Hence, you should have something reliable and that does not take a fortune to send messages. ExpertTexting is one such provider that is reliable, easy to use, and most of all affordable. Instead of paying for monthly and annual plans that charge you a lot and create limitations for you, we charge per message. The pay-as-you-go pricing allows you to pay for messages as they go out. Hence, you never run out of messages to send. Or, you do not waste messages that you already paid for but did not use. Moreover, we have no expiring of credits, so they pretty much last a lifetime.

  2. Welcome the customer

    When sending out your welcome text message, don’t forget to welcome the customer. There are several things you could do or add that we will discuss. However, the main thing is to remember to tell the person that you appreciate them for joining your list. A simple sentence with salutations is enough to begin and then you can move on with other things.

  3. Tell them what they can expect

    While ExpertTexting defaults the frequency of messages in each welcome message, your job is to tell what the customer can get when they subscribe to your list. For example, if you wish to send exclusive offers, tell them that. However, make sure to use the right words. You cannot tell them straight that they will get promotional messages. That is understood. Tell them instead that they will be the first to receive updates and offers from you.

  4. Make them feel appreciated

    One of the best ways to get people to subscribe to your list is against an incentive. You can advertise your keyword and tell your audience to subscribe to get something in return. When they do, make sure your welcome message specifies their incentive.

    If you choose not to do that, you can always surprise your audience with a gift for them. For example, your welcome message can include a discount coupon. A good surprise (and a good discount) is always the best way to appreciate your customers.

  5. Promise and deliver

    For you, a subscriber might just be a lead. However, for the subscriber, you are a commitment that they have made. Moreover, when they gave you their numbers, they trusted you and allowed you to share promotional messages. Honor that and be honorable yourself with this information. if you add promises or tell them what they can expect, deliver to it. For example, if you tell them that subscribing to your list means that they will get exclusive offers, do it! You are not expected to send out one offer one time only.

    Delivering what you say is the most important part of your business credibility. Ensure that you stick to what you say.

  6. Add a call to action

    With everything being said, it is important to end your welcome text messages with a call-to-action. A call to action gives the customer a direction to reach out to you. It can be a number, email, or even a webpage that you can link in your message. Since text messages are omnichannel, you can add any kind of CTA to your welcome text message.

  7. Number of words

    With all this being said, make sure to remember that you cannot make the welcome message huge. You have about 160 characters to make the perfect welcome message. That is more or less enough! Do not seek out to make it long and overwhelming. Click on the image below to learn how to make a complete message using only 160 characters.

Begin with ExpertTexting

ExpertTexting is a mass texting service that you can use for your text marketing needs. ExpertTexting allows you to create your keyword, QR code, and even signup widget to help people opt-in to receiving your messages.

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