Best Way to Schedule Text Message Campaigns

Best Way to Schedule Text Message Campaigns

Text marketing is one of the most effective ways of communication. Each text message has an average open rate of 98% and that too within the first three minutes. Text messages are easy, instant, and direct. Hence, the popularity of text messages is widely understandable. Text marketing is more automated thanks to the platforms like ExpertTexting. You can schedule text message campaigns and leave them to send out on their own.

In this guide, we will learn how you can schedule text message campaigns, what are the best days and times to schedule these, and how you can use ExpertTexting to send out your campaigns and make them more automated.

The best day to schedule text message campaigns

If you are scheduling your text message campaign then you need to have time with the most engagement. Higher engagement rates give you a better chance for an ROI. Of course, you can use tools and management of KPIs to study the best days. However, there is a standard answer to this question.

A study by The Drum showed the highest rates of online sales on different days of the week. If you think that Monday is a lazy day, then you are wrong. Monday and Thursday became the most engaging times with Monday being just a few steps behind.

Hence, text marketing on these days can get much more revenue than regular days. The worst day out of all is considered Sunday with the least bit of engagement. However, some businesses send mass text messages on Sunday to avoid competition. This strategy is a hit and miss because you might generate more sales because of unsaturated marketing strategies.

The standard days are mentioned above. However, you should know that they are not set in stone. These differ according to the different industries, customers, and even countries. These are the standard days for the USA.

The best time to schedule text message campaigns

Once you find the best day to schedule text message campaigns, it is time to have the right time as well. Text marketing is the closest to real-time results. Instead of waiting for customers to see your marketing and then react, you can get instant sales and responses. Texts go to your customers’ phones which is probably the most personal space you can reach for marketing. Hence, to manage your unsubscribe rate, you need to ensure that you send messages at convenient timings to ensure that your desired action is taken.

A study showed that regardless of the day, the best time to send messages is noon. This includes weekends and weekdays. Probably because it is a half-day. People don’t want to see marketing messages the second they wake up or when they fall asleep. Hence, noon comes closest to the best time. Moreover, on working days, it is usually lunch break time.

However, you can also use the research by YouGov America to determine when users most use their phones. According to the research, 76% of smartphone users admitted to heavy usage before going to bed. Moreover, 72% admitted to using their smartphones first thing in the morning. However, it is important to remember that smartphones have plenty of features. This may not include checking text messages and maybe more about scrolling through social.

We have a comprehensive guide on the best time to message your customers. Click on the link below to learn more.

Determining the best way to schedule text message campaigns

Now that you know the best day and time to schedule text message campaigns. There are other things involved as well. The relevancy according to the date and time is also important when you are scheduling a text message. The following are the things you need to keep in mind other than the date and time of scheduling messages.

What action do you want your customers to take?

When scheduling your text messages, make sure you know the action you are anticipating. Make it as vivid as possible. Of course, your basic expectation from your customer is to engage and give you revenue. However, the clearer you are about your call to action, the better response you can get.

For an instant, you run a restaurant and you are sending out marketing messages. You want your customer to come in and eat at your place. Your most vivid target should be inviting them for lunch or dinners. Hence, when you schedule your message make sure you are inviting them for a certain time. You cannot send a lunch special message at noon. Send it a bit earlier so people can make their minds.

Moreover, if your action is for the weekend, then prepare your customer by sending them your message a few days before.

However, if you are selling online, then you go for times with the most engagement as per the study showed above.

Type of message you are scheduling

Apart from the timings and the customer’s action, you need to know the type of text you are sending. For example, if you are promoting a seasonal sale or promo code, then you need to send the message before the coupon or offer expires. However, if you send it way before that, you may not get many advantages. Or, if you send it a day before expiring, then also you will not get many advantages.

If you are sending a reminder text message, then do not schedule it more than 24 hours before the actual appointment. It is more likely to work to retain your audience’s memory much better.

However, for transactional or time-sensitive messages, there is usually no time. Whenever the action is taken, simply send out the message.

Using ExpertTexting for scheduling messages

ExpertTexting is a mass texting service that allows you to manage and schedule your messages for a more automated marketing experience. There are two ways you can schedule your messages.

  1. Recurring messages

    Recurring messages are messages that you can set to send out again and again until you set it to stop. You can choose messages to recur daily, weekly, or even monthly. These messages help in increasing engagement and keeping customers in the loop all the time. ExpertTexting allows you to manage recurring campaigns by making them more reliable.

  2. Scheduling messages

    Another way to schedule messages is to schedule them for one time. You can schedule messages days, weeks, and even months ahead of time. These send out as per the date. You can focus on other matters why ExpertTexting helps you automate your campaigns.  

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