mothers day marketing

Mothers Day Marketing Ideas with Text Messages

Did you know that mothers’ day is the third most popular holiday in the United States? It follows with Christmas and Thanksgiving. Up to 84% of Americans Celebrate mothers’ day to honor their mothers, along with all the amazing mothers in their circle. The day is quite sentimental for most people. It falls on the second Sunday of May regardless of the date. With so many people celebrating this day, it is almost imperative that businesses take time and strategize for mothers day marketing.  

Holidays are one of the best ways to reach out to your customers. Holiday marketing is important because the demand increases for various things and if you match the supplies, you can drive plenty of sales. Moreover, the power of FOMO marketing is the best approach here. You can use the sense of urgency to create special deals that make your business sound like a better opportunity.

Combine Holiday marketing with text marketing and you will find a much better ROI and a much quicker one too. Since text marketing is instant and direct, you do not have to begin weeks earlier and spend hundreds and thousands on advertising.

Here is how you can enjoy mothers day marketing with text messages. 

How to use texts for Mothers Day Marketing?

Mothers’ day with text marketing is one of the best ways to build your audience and generate sales. Here is a complete guide of ideas and ways you can get the best out of your audience this mothers’ day.

Build your list

Before you dive into the good stuff, use the time before the holiday to make your list. Text marketing laws require you to have prior express consent from recipients before you can send them promotional messages. If you already have a list for your business promotional messages, then this may not be an issue. However. If you do not, then you have to build your list to send out messages.

You can do this in various ways. ExpertTexting gives you features like selecting unlimited keywords, QR codes, and even placing a signup widget on your website to get numbers. If you are still worried, then click on the image below to read how can you get people to opt into your list.

Once you have your list, you can now begin your mothers’ day promotions. Instead of putting up ads days weeks before, you can simply use text messaging ads a few days before.

Send promotional offers

Now that you have your list, your possibilities to send out messages are endless. If you wish to keep it simple, then the best way to go about it is to send a simple promotional message. Your offer can be simple, but make sure to word it excitingly. Sending a discount or even a buy-one-get-one offer is the most basic way to create sales. However, do not forget to set the cutoff date for the promotion.

Send coupons

One of the best ways that texts work is with coupons. Create exclusive coupons for people in your message list. Text messages allow you to send several different types of coupons. These can simply ‘show this text to avail a discount.’ Alternatively, you can use QR codes or digitally designed coupons to send via MMS to your list. Watch the video below to find out how you can send an MMS with ExpertTexting.

If your business is e-commerce, you can use mass texting for that too. Creating discount codes for a limited time or one day only helps increase sales. However, to inform people about it, you can send them via text. The best thing about mass texting is that it is omnichannel. You can even add a hyperlink to your text for your website. Since most people have smartphones, they can begin then and there.

Create contests

Want to add a touch of engagement and interaction to your mothers’ day promotions? Contests are the best way to go about it. Mass texting allows you to create contests that you can manage over texts. In the global pandemic, these work even better. You can ensure that your customers have a great time participating while staying safe at home.

With ExpertTexting, you can enable two-way texting that allows recipients to reply to messages. The best way to hold contests is to send questions or challenges and receive replies. Simple things like ‘Tell us your favorite memory with your mother’ can work wonders.

Remember that when a customer participates in your contest, they get excited and anticipate winning. While you can select one winner only, be generous to your participants as well. Give something in return for participating.

Bring your mom

If your business provides services like a spa or a salon, or if you run a restaurant, and you want foot traffic then take it up a notch. Simply send a message and invite your customer to bring their mother along. A special discount, a free service, or anything can make the day even more special for mothers this way.

A simple wish

If you are not in a state to give out promotions or you feel that your business does not relate to sending special promotions and offers, do not be silent. Holiday messages are a great way to connect to your audience. Consumers are more into brands that are relatable than robotic brands. Hence, send out a simple wish.

You can use ExpertTexting’s MMS service to send a greeting card with mass texting.

Begin with ExpertTexting

ExpertTexting is a mass texting service that allows you to carry text marketing with ease and reliability. Use ExpertTexting for your mothers’ day promotions by scheduling messages, sending MMS, and even personalizing mass text messages.

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