How To Earn Text Reviews for Your Business

How To Earn Text Reviews for Your Business

The most important part of small and large businesses is the customer. The customer is always right and they are the ones you need to impress to have revenue from your business. One of the ways customers work is through reviews and feedbacks. A study showed that 90% of consumers checked people’s online reviews to decide if the business is worth their time and money. Moreover, 68% of consumers trust local businesses because of their reviews. If you are doing everything right and not earning text reviews, then you may miss out on a large part of the audience.

You see since a big chunk of the audience trusts people that have had experiences with you. This means that you need to work to earn text reviews for your business.

Why should you use texts to request reviews?

One of the most ideal ways to use text marketing is for requesting reviews. The reason is that texts are instant, direct, and very accessible. They have an open rate of up to 98% and a response rate within three minutes of up to 75%. This is perhaps because of the wide use of text messages. there is no need for the installation of apps or any other signups. Even if you have an old-style simple phone, you can send and receive text messages.

According to the Pew Research Center, 96% of USA consumers own a cellphone, and 81% own a smartphone. This makes texts more accessible than ever.

There are several ways you can ask for reviews for your customers via text messages. Since texts are omnichannel, it is easier to incorporate different links and channels to ask for reviews. Read on to know about how you can ask for reviews.

Important points to remember before requesting text reviews

Before you go ahead and use ExpertTexting or any other platform to ask for reviews, there are few things to remember.

  • ✔ You can only send messages to people that gave your prior express consent to receive messages.

  • ✔ Do not expect positive reviews only. You may get criticism, make sure to use the review to improve yourself. Take the customer on board to tell them how you improved and they should give you another chance.

  • ✔ Since not all reviews are positive all the time, businesses tend to delete the bad ones. Do not do this, it may affect your business.

  • ✔ Do not expect every customer to oblige and send reviews. Some may not be interested. Try to give an incentive, like a free coffee, on putting up a review

  • ✔ Just like you have to build your list, you have to build a reputation. Never go for paid or fake reviews. Make efforts to ask for organic reviews.

How to ask for text reviews?

There are several ways you can request reviews through texts. Since text marketing is a wide channel, you can use the following ways to ask for public reviews.

  1. Surveys
  2. Google reviews
  3. Website Review
  4. Review Location Visit
  5. Customer service experience
  6. Refer a friend


One of the most common ways to take surveys is the NPS. NPS is the net promoter score which is a metric for customer experience evaluation. This usually ranges from 1 to 10 with ten being the best.

If you wish to know the level of your business, product, or service then simply send a message asking your customer to send a number to rate your business. This allows you to get an idea of where your business stands collectively.

You can request this type of survey in two ways. Either you tell your customer to respond to the message with a number. The second way is to add a link to your message with a survey form. You can use the ExpertTexting link shortening tool in case you want to shorten your link to fit in 160 characters. Watch the video below to know how you can use this tool.

Google reviews

A study showed that 63% of consumers trusted Google reviews before they visited a business. Google is one of the biggest search engines and almost every smartphone owner has an account. Moreover, Google takes up to 57.5% shares of all online reviews, which makes it the top review website. A couple of positive reviews can boost your SEO and you can be more visible and authentic.

To earn Google Review, simply send a message after the customer has interacted with your business asking for a review. To make it easier for them, add the shortened link in your text message. With a majority of people using smartphones, you can simply expect them to click the link and leave a review. Moreover, with ExpertTexting’s link shortening feature, you can also check the clickthrough rate.

Website Review

For eCommerce businesses or businesses that have a presence on their website, website reviews make a world of a difference. When the order is delivered or the customer has given you revenue, send them a review request via text messages.

A lot of people resist putting up reviews. Offer them the option of posting anonymously or even an additional coupon or incentive if they put up a review. This pushes the idea of posting online and you may receive plenty of reviews.

Review Location Visit

For businesses like retail, salons, spas, and restaurants general reviews matter. It is not about the product or service all the time. Customers also wish to go to places with great customer service where public service is concerned.  If you have a business like this, then make sure to reach out for a review for the onsite visit.

Send a text to the people to and request reviews of their experience when they visited you. Use these reviews to improve yourself.

Customer service experience

A study showed that 68% of customers believe that good customer service comes from polite representatives. If you do not have this, then make sure you work on your customer service. The reason is that a study showed that 70% of consumers decide to support a business if they deliver great customer service.

Once a customer goes through your customer service, make sure to request them to put up a review. You can do this in two ways. The first way is to use texts for customer service. After the conclusion of the conversation, ask them to respond to your service. The second way is to add a link in the messages to write a review on a public forum like Google or your Social Channel.

Customer service reviews can make 52% of consumers make an additional purchase from the business. Moreover, 17% of Americans will support businesses that have a reputation for great customer service. To get these stats to work in your favor, you need to provide service and ask for reviews.

Refer a friend

Your reviews work to increase your business. It helps your leads decide to support your business. The Refer a Friend system works to do this in one step. Simply ask your customers to refer you to their friends. You can also ask them to respond to the text message if they will recommend it to a friend.

To take it a step forward, you can create a referral system. In this system, when a customer recommends the business to their friends and family, they receive special incentives. ExpertTexting also offers a refer-a-friend system. Watch the video to know how it works.

Use ExpertTexting to request reviews

ExpertTexting is a mass texting service that helps you request text reviews. This allows your business to gather reviews more conveniently. With two-way messaging, personalization of messages, and other features, we make it easy for you to communicate.

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